Coding is one of the most lucrative skills in the industry. It opens up a plethora of options for you as a programmer.
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Computer science as a field requires curricular guidance, as new innovations are filtered into teaching its knowledge areas at a rapid pace. Furthermore, another trend is the growing number of students with different cultural backgrounds. These developments require taking into account both the differences in learning styles and teaching methods in practice in the development of curricular knowledge areas. In this paper, an intensive collaborative teaching concept, Code Camp, is utilized to illustrate the effect of learning styles on the success of a course. Code Camp teaching concept promotes collaborative learning and multiple skills and knowledge in a single course context. The results indicate that Code Camp as a concept is well liked, increases motivation to learn and is suitable for both intuitive and reflective learners. Furthermore, it appears to provide interesting creative challenges and pushes students to collaborate and work as a team. In particular, the concept also promotes intuition.
A live-coding Processing environment addresses neither of these goals. JavaScript and Processing are poorly-designed languages that support weak ways of thinking, and ignore decades of learning about learning. And live coding, as a standalone feature, is worthless
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Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python is a free ebook programming tutorial for the Python programming language. Learn how to program by making fun games!
void emptyVase( int flowersInVase ) {
if( flowersInVase > 0 ) {
// take one flower and
emptyVase( flowersInVase - 1 ) ;
} else {
// the vase is empty, nothing to do
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- Oppilaat tyytyväisiä
- Ei syytä miksei voisi opettaa jo ennen undergraduate/post-graduate tasoa.
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- Peliteema näkyi sekä luennossa, että demoissa
- Opiskelijat eivät saaneet suoraan kredittiä kurssista
- Opiskelijat menestyivät paremmin, eivät kokeneet vaivautumista parempien opiskelijoiden takia (lienee osittain etämuotoisen kurssin ansiota), hieman pienempi keskeyttämisprosentti
- Naisia 2 kpl 48:sta aloittaneesta. 4 ei koskaan aloittanutkaan, 3 keskeytti kesätöiden takia, 1 sairastui vakavasti, 3 lopetti muuten vaan.
- Kurssia mitattiin tasokokeella sekä opiskelijoiden mielipiteiden mittauksella.
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