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    The present study investigated the yield and its contributing attributes among F5 segregating tomato lines so as to find degree of genetic variability, heritability, and genetic advance. This research study was conducted using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) during season 2018-2019 at Agricultural Research Station Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The experimental material (23 segregating lines and 2 parental genotypes) were characterized for morphological days to first flowering, days to fruiting, plant height, stem diameter, cluster per plant, flowers per cluster, fruits cluster-1, fruits per plant, yield hectare-1. Analysis of variance regarding morphological attributes showed highly significant differences (P≤ 0.01) among tomato F5 segregating lines. Minimum days to first flowering and days to fruiting were recorded for ST-12, ST-14, ST-17 with values of (50.00), (78.33) each, respectively. Maximum plant height, stem diameter, clusters per plant, flowers per cluster, fruit per cluster, fruits per plant, single fruit weight were observed for ST-20, ST-17, ST-12, ST-21, Roma, ST-12, ST-8, Roma with values of (105.38), (1.69), (29.33), (6.18), (6.00), (150.27), (81.41). Very little differences were observed between phenotypic coefficient of variation and genotypic coefficient of variation for all traits except cluster plant-1 and fruits plant-1 indicating that most of the traits were less influenced by environmental factors for their phenotypic expression. All traits had high h2 but only fruit plant-1 (0.37), single fruit weight (0.58), yield ha-1 (0.39) were found to be moderate and clusters plant-1(0.12) had low h2. Low genetic advance (20.0) was recorded for all traits except yield. Moderate to low genetic advance suggests the action of both additive and non-additive genes and favorable influence of environment in the expression. Desired morphological characterization on the basis of the yield attributing traits to fruit yield showed these lines ST-1, ST-2, ST-4, ST-5, ST-6, ST-7, ST-9, ST-11, ST-12, ST-14, ST-17, ST-18, ST-19, ST-21, could further be used for the development of improved varieties in future tomato breeding program. Get the full article by following the link Heritability and genetic advance in F5 segregating generation of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
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