Storia di Milano vuole raccogliere e rendere disponibile a tutti i navigatori un'ampia serie di fonti, studi, repertori, materiali e curiosità sull'universo ambrosiano, dalla fondazione sino ai giorni nostri
[en cours de développement, 1300+ unités documentaires en avril 2009, sélection de documents numérisés par les institutions partenaires] La Bibliothèque numérique mondiale met à disposition sur Internet, gratuitement et en plusieurs langues, une documentation considérable en provenance des pays et des cultures du monde entier.
EX: Turning off Depression: Profile of a Neurologist; A Revealing Reflection: Mirror Neurons Talk, Walk, and Culture; Trial and Error: How Scientific-Journal Peer Review Allows Fraud, Error, and a Bit of Hubris...
It's not a direct line, but you'll get to the admin secretary closest to Steve Ballmer. If you have a longstanding Microsoft issue that multiple trips to the MS customer service line haven't solved, try pitching her your problems. Microsoft Steve Ballmer
Once you’re through with this article, there’s a followup that shows how to also make them clickable. Many people find the object-oriented aspect of JavaScript to be very confusing. Fortunately, the designers of the Google Maps API have managed to ma