S. Asam, L. Pasolli, C. Notarnicola, und D. Klein. MultiTemp 2013: 7th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images, Banff, Canada, (25.-27. 06. 2013)
A. Batsaikhan, C. Conrad, S. Asam, und D. Klein. Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS) Fall Conference 2017, Yamaguchi, Japan, (9.-10. oct 2017)
A. Batsaikhan, C. Conrad, S. Asam, und D. Klein. Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS) Fall Conference 2017, Yamaguchi, Japan, (9.-10. oct 2017)
S. Asam, L. Pasolli, C. Notarnicola, und D. Klein. MultiTemp 2013: 7th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images, Banff, Canada, (25.-27. 06. 2013)