"Dynabond Powertech Service (DPS) provides market development expertise, investment consulting and other sales services to famous foreign and domestic corporations in China. Since 2003, we have reinforced and expanded our management structure into the fie
UNGA 2009: What is happening? A basic power shift away from the West. "There will not be any deep multilateral Kyoto style agreement on climate. The whole approach is wrong. Evils are not abolished by consensus among evildoers; slavery was not abolishe
Governments and companies pushing for greater monitoring of Internet activity pose a major threat to freedom and democracy, according to Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web. Questions: 1) Net neutrality. 2) Government data. ("t's better if dat
En kinesisk solskenshistoria. Thursday, October 12, 2006 By Andrew Batson in Wuxi, China, The Wall Street Journal. "When he arrived in Australia 18 years ago as a physics student, Shi Zhengrong scraped by on a meager stipend from the Chinese government t
"We hope China to dominate the denuclearization process of northeast Asia," Fujita said, referring to Beijing's historical friendly ties with Pyongyang. Since the DPJ came to power in September, ties between Tokyo and Washington have seen shaky ground. He
"A fully functioning Gwadar port would be the most strategically devastating ‘pearl’ in China’s chain of naval bases. [...] Pakistan would, by going forward with its Sino-dependant long-term economic plans, become intricately bound to maintaining Chinese
Nyhet 29.12.2009: "Den brittiska medborgaren Akmal Shaikh blev under morgonen den första europé som avrättats i Kina på över 50 år. Shaikh arresterades i september 2007 då han fösökte smuggla nästan 4 kilo heroin till Urumqi, den autonoma regionen Xinjian
Torbjörn Elensky:: ..."en av höstens stora kontroverser i Kina rört en talangjakt, liknande ”Idol”: ”Go! Oriental angel”. En av de tävlande, 20-åriga Lou Jing med afrikansk far och kinesisk mor, har väckt protester, då många anser att hon inte är någon ri
Si le filtrage du moteur Google.cn était un arrangement d’ordre pratique avec un pouvoir qui entend lutter contre le free flow of information, Google a fini par reconnaître que les exigences du gouvernement chinois entraient de manière fondamentale en con
Knut Mellenthin , Junge Welt, 06.04.2010:: "Am 15. April ist der nächste Bericht des US-Finanzministeriums über Staaten fällig, die angeblich den Wechselkurs ihrer Währung manipulieren, um sich »unfaire« Handelsvorteile zu verschaffen." [...] " Zahlreiche
China and Brazil have signed several trade agreements on the sidelines of a shortened Bric summit in Brasilia. The deals are aimed at boosting trade and energy co-operation between the two states and include a pact to build a Chinese steel plant in Brazil
by Kyoungeun Cha, who works for the Peace Network in South Korea."The U.S. and South Korean government are expanding their military alliance, and if the naval base on Jeju Island is set up, the U.S. navy will use the base to monitor China’s naval power. B
av Björn Lindahl, SvD "Det kinesiska oljebolaget PetroChina passerade i fjol Exxon och blev återigen det företag som har högst marknadsvärde i världen. Det är inte en ensam svala. Tre av de tio högst värderade företagen är kinesiska, ett tecken på maktski
Paul Jay interviews Minqi Li, an Assistant Professor at the University of Utah specializing in Political Economy, World Systems and the Chinese Economy. He was a political prisoner in China from 1990 to 1992. He is the author of "After Neoliberalism: Empi