Diese Einführung soll die Nutzung der Beschreibungssprache Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) für kontrollierte Vokabulare erleichtern. Wir diskutieren den Zweck und die Vorteile am Beispiel von Open Educational Resources (OER).
Diese Seite beinhaltet einen theoretischen Überblick. Wer direkt praktisch einsteigen möchte, kann im Tutorial ein SKOS-Vokabular von Grund auf erstellen und veröffentlichen.
Other articles where Thesaurus is discussed: library: Thesauri: A new use of the term thesaurus, now widespread, dates from the early 1950s in the work of H.P. Luhn, at International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), who was searching for a computer process that could create a list of authorized terms for the indexing…
ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) is the European multilingual classification of Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations.
ESCO works as a dictionary, describing, identifying and classifying professional occupations, skills, and qualifications relevant for the EU labour market and education and training.
The Cataloging Lab is a place for catalogers and anyone who cares about library metadata to experiment with creating better controlled vocabularies. Suggesting additions and changes to the Library of Congress Subject Headings vocabulary can be an isolating endeavor—it can be difficult to determine if your heading has already been proposed or if someone else is working on a proposal at the same time you are. The Cataloging Lab is designed to be a wiki where folks can collaborate on headings together to create stronger proposals.
There are many different folk tales in the world, but many tales are variations on a limited number of themes. The classification system originally designed by Aarne, and later revised first by Thompson and later by Uther, is intended to bring out the similarities between tales by grouping variants of the same tale under the same ATU category. like hraf
In this post, I want to show how I use NLTK for preprocessing and tokenization, but then apply machine learning techniques (e.g. building a linear SVM using stochastic gradient descent) using Scikit-Learn.
In this post you will see 5 recipes of supervised classification algorithms applied to small standard datasets that are provided with the scikit-learn library.