PwC-Studie: Umsatz mit Video- und Computerspielen steigt bis 2016 um annähernd 50 Prozent / Online und Mobile Gaming sind Wachstumstreiber / Deutsche Spieleindustrie steht vor Konsolidierung
EuroCloud Swiss ist der schweizerische Fachverband zur Förderung des Cloud Computing in der Schweiz. Auf Grund der raschen Entwicklung von Cloud Computing wurde 2009 in der Schweiz der Verein Cloud Suisse gegründet. Zur gleichen Zeit entstand auf europäischer Ebene der Verband EuroCloud Europe mit den Zielen:
Cloud Computing europaweit zu fördern
Eine Cloud Community zu bilden auf Basis von Landesgesellschaften
EuroCloud Swiss hat erstmals einen Swiss Cloud Award anlässlich der Swiss Cloud Conference 2012 am 21. März 2012 verliehen. Motiviert durch den ständig wachsenden Cloud Computing Markt, ist der Swiss Cloud Award ein Schaufenster für die Leistungsfähigkeit der schweizerischen Cloud Lösungsanbieter. Passend zum Motto des diesjährigen Swiss Cloud Conference „Yes, we Cloud" möchte EuroCloud Swiss mit dem Award ein Signal in die Wirtschaft senden und die Sichtbarkeit von innovativen Cloud Services unterstützen.
Eine Jury aus EuroCloud Swiss Mitgliedern und einem schweizerischen Fachbeirat (mit Vertretern aus Behörden, Fachverbänden, Hochschulen und IT-Magazinen) hat mit Focus auf Swissness und Originalität die Wahl der innovativsten schweizerischen Cloud Lösung vorgenehmen.
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
The VMforce collaboration is VMware’s first public implementation of Platform-as-a-Service (abbreviated as “PaaS”). PaaS offerings aim to make developers incredibly efficient by hiding many of the complexities that they face in typical enterprise IT environments such as:
* Waiting for the provisioning of physical machines and their software
* Changing your code to work with the specific middleware components your company uses
* Handling code modifications that may be required as the middleware versions change
* Dealing with new environments as your code moves from development to staging to production
* Frustrating interactions with the separate operations team when things aren’t working well
PaaS offerings typically offer add-on services available for developers to incorporate into their applications. These include capabilities such as location-based services, identity management, tweeting, chatter, search, and many forms of data storage. The developer efficiency and application richness to be gained through PaaS offerings is clear and we see it as one of the major trends in cloud computing. Today’s PaaS offerings are not without challenges though, and we believe VMware is in a unique position to attack these challenges and help bring PaaS to the mainstream.
Amazon Web Service today announced a new AWS Import/Export feature. A potentially huge step forward for data portabilty when using the Amazon Cloud computing infrastructure.
It’s clear Google and Amazon wouldn’t be where they are today without the use of open source software,” said Stevens. The Google Inc. and Inc. success stories were also echoed by Aslett, who said both public cloud platforms benefited from low cost licencing and flexibility, as well as the ability to empower their developers. “For Google, it’s about ability to make changes to their operating system without having to ask anybody’s permission or pay for client licence fees,” he said, adding that development times are also speed up in the process.
"They're doing a variety of things, but a lot of them are basically interested in Eucalyptus for doing the same kinds of things they're doing in Amazon AWS, such as business logic applications, where part of the attraction of Eucalyptus is that they can use it as a platform for seamlessly running their public cloud applications and their on-premise cloud apps."
These days, everybody's talking about cloud computing - the notion that computing's future lies in web-based applications and services and not in software tied to the desktop. After ...