The JCCKit is a small (< 100Kb) library and a very flexible framework for creating scientific charts and plots.
JCCKit is written for the JDK™ 1.1.8 platform (except of a Graphics2D renderer). Thus, it is suitable for scientific Applets and for PDA's running a PersonalJava™ implementation.
JCCKit is an offspring of my lecture The Art of Developing Scientific Java Applets held at the University of Basel, Switzerland, in the winter semester 2002/03. See lecture 12 and 13 which explains the basic architecture of JCCKit.
Purpose and Features
The main purpose is to provide a flexible kit for writing applets and application with the need for visualizing scientific data. If you are looking for a lean scientific chart and plot library without all the unwanted bells and whistles of the heavy competitors try JCCKit.
The key features of JCCKit are:
* small (< 100Kb jar file)
* highly configurable due to a sophisticated configuration concept
* extensible (1/3 of all classes are interfaces or abstract classes.)
* automatic updating if data changes
* easy programming of dynamic charts and plots
* automatic rescaling if canvas size changes
* out-of-the-box applet for presenting static data on a web page without needing knowledge of the Java™ programming language.
* automatically generates a legend
* supports
o logarithmic axes
o non-numerical tic labels
o different line styles, colors, and thicknesses
o different symbols
o different fonts, font styles, colors, and text orientations
o vertical and horizontal error bars
o vertical, horizontal, and stacked bar charts
* supported devices
o AWT Graphics context
o AWT Graphics2D context (needs Java™ 2 platform)
o Off-Screen image creation (need J2SE 1.4 or higher) (see section 2.5 of the User Guide)
o SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)