La coopération médecin – infirmier est-elle indispensable pour mieux répondre aux enjeux de santé ? Nicolas MILLEVILLE, infirmier, nous apporte ses réflexions issues de son mémoire de Master 2
U.S. Cyber Command has taken a comprehensive and proactive approach that includes working with allies and partners to respond to cyber and other threats before they reach the homeland.,
In that spirit, here are seven qualities that I consider essential to the identity of open source, contrasted with the diluted forms they commonly assume.
Vorschauf auf Novell Pulse, eine Art Business-Pendant zu Wave, das mit Wave kompatibel sein soll. Man merkt, dass Wave für einen neuen Typ von Kommunikations-Anwendungen repräsentiert.
The National Library of Australia's Preserving Access to Digital Information (PADI) initiative aims to provide mechanisms that will help to ensure that information in digital form is managed with appropriate consideration for preservation and future access. PADI is a subject gateway to digital preservation resources.
Emerging digital technologies present new opportunities for developing complex cooperative strategies that change the way people work together to solve problems and generate wealth. Central to this class of cooperation-amplifying technologies are eight key clusters, each with distinctive contributions to cooperative strategy.
Each of these technology clusters can be viewed not only as a template for design of cooperative systems, but also as tools people can use to tune organizations, projects, processes, and markets for increased cooperation. Specifically, each can be used in distinctive ways to alter the key dimensions of cooperative systems—structure, rules, resources, thresholds, feedback, memory, and identity.