/PRNewswire/ -- Everlaw, the cloud-native investigation and litigation platform, unveiled its Clustering software feature today, delivering an AI breakthrough...
An enormous number of documents is being produced that have to be stored, searched and accessed. Document indexing represents an efficient way to tackle this problem. Contributing to the document indexing process, we developed the...
In the development of documentation studies at the University of Tromsø and the founding of the Document Academy it was asserted that one should view a document as having three complementary and simultaneous aspects: physical, mental, and social. These three document dimensions and relationships between them are discussed. Physicality is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for being a document, there must also be a mental angle, which, in turn, entails a social (cultural) angle. The physical disposition of documents is influenced by social controls. The inability of any one angle to fully characterize a document explains the role of documents in the social construction of reality and why “relevance” in retrieval evaluation can be understood but resists scientific treatment.
Official web site for Phil Lapsley's book, 'Exploding The Phone: The Untold Story of the Teenagers and Outlaws Who Hacked Ma Bell'. documents that played a role in the development of phone phreaking. you can also search the bibliographic database of about 1,000 documents on phone phreaking history, many of which are available in full-text form.
Direkte Seite zum Download und zur Verwendung der Dropbox. Dropbox ist eine Cloud, um seine Dokumente gemeinsam zu bearbeiten, zu teilen und gemeinsam an Projekten zu arbeiten.
My experience with document interchange led me to classify document formats using the essential distinction that some are "programmable" and some are not. [..]
The reason that this distinction is essential with respect to document interchange is that extracting information from documents in "programmable" document formats is equivalent to the halting problem. That is, it is arbitrarily difficult and cannot be automated in a general fashion.
For example, I conjecture that it is impossible to write a program that will extract the third word from a TeX document.
DocuTicker collects abstracts from 'grey literature': PDF reports published by government agencies, think tanks, NGOs, research institutes and other public interest groups.
Microsoft Access training course and class exam. MS Access training and professional Access Training certification courses on sale. Self paced Microsoft Access training classes and MS Access semin... by bookstraining in Study Guides, Notes, & Quizzes, School Work, and training
see discussion too Today, I decided to Google the term "document oriented". Turns out it's not new, here's an article I found Towards truly document oriented Web services on the O'Reilly site. The article gives and example of a REST API that is similar to the one I will be exposing with CouchDb. Cool. "Document Oriented Development" I think this may be a poorly served yet hugely important area of application development. Particularly in storage and management. For document storage, you pretty much have two options in mainstream development, direct file system access and relational databases. Traditional file based systems are simple enough, this is how most PC applications have dealt with documents for a long time. MS Office is a prime example: all documents are files. And relational databases? There is nothing "relational" about documents. XML databases will simplify development only if your data is already XML. Lotus Notes got so much of this right over 15 years ago
Scribd is a social publishing site, where tens of millions of people share original writings and documents. Scribd's vision is to liberate the written word. - "Youtube für Dokumente"
Free PDF to Word Doc Converter: PDFs in Word-Dokumente umwandeln 11.04.2010 12:31 Uhr PDF-Dokumente wandelt die Freeware "Free PDF to Word Doc Converter" mit wenigen Klicks in Word-Dokumente um. Anwender bedienen die kleine Software über ein einziges Programmfenster. Dank der sehr einfachen Bedienung erstellen auch Nutzer ohne Fremdsprachenkenntnisse Word-Dateien mit Hilfe der englischsprachigen Freeware.
KnowledgeTree® is open source document management software that connects people, processes, and ideas. Collaborate, securely store all your critical documents, address compliance challenges, and focus on providing a simple solution that works for your business.
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