(July 6, 2010) On July 1, 2010, all Finnish citizens will have a legal right to access a 1 Mbps (megabit per second) broadband connection, reportedly making Finland the first country to accord such a right. The government has also pledged to make the minimum speed of connection 100 MBPS by 2015. (Finland Makes Broadband […]
Helmet-kirjastojen verkkosivustolla on ollut käytössä seurantateknologioita, joiden kautta tietoja esimerkiksi käyttäjän hakemista kirjoista ja muusta aineistosta on voinut välittyä sivullisille. HS
Sari Lindblom, rector of the University of Helsinki, has appointed Kimmo Tuominen as the national librarian, or the director of the National Library of Finland. The current holder of the position, Cecilia af Forselles, will retire on 1 July 2022. Kimmo Tuominen, Doctor of Social Sciences, Docent, currently serves as the university librarian at Helsinki University Library. He has a wide range of experience related to library organisations and the National Library of Finland, and holds several elected positions in the academic community and the library sector.