FEBE (Firefox Environment Backup Extension) allows you to quickly and easily backup your Firefox extensions. In fact, it goes beyond just backing up -- It will actually rebuild your extensions individually into installable .xpi files. Now you can easily synchronize your office and home browsers.
ChunkIt! is a safe and innovative add-on to your Internet browser that searches and extracts the valuable "chunks" of information often hidden within the countless hyperlinks that comprise the Web.
What do we mean by a "chunk"? Think of a chunk as a compact block of content, text, or data that contains enough descriptive information pertaining to your search terms to convey an idea.
After a quick install, you'll see the new ChunkIt! search box appear in your browser. By entering keywords in the ChunkIt! search box, valuable information from the Web will become much easier to find. This revolutionary approach to search will save you hours of time and frustration because you can avoid aimless browsing and endless clicking from one link to another. It's the perfect application for researching consumer products, gathering important information, sifting through discussion groups and blogs, and finding answers to all your home and technical problems.
Have you ever been interested in what extensions are available for Firebug? If yes, take a look at what I have found. Frankly, I was quite surprised how many Firebug extensions already exists out there.
Slow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow based on the rules for high performance web sites. YSlow is a Firefox add-on integrated with the popular Firebug web development tool. YSlow gives you:
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* Performance report card
* HTTP/HTML summary
* List of components in the page
* Tools including JSLint
Linkwad lets you save and restore tabbed browsing sessions called wads. Wads can be shared and accessed from any computer. You can also share your "wads".
I’ve decided that it’s time I made a top ten list of the extensions that I find most useful in my work and use at least on a weekly basis. I’m sure that most other web designers will have some of the more popular one’s installed but hopefully there’s one or two in there which are a bit more rare and may help out a few people.
TYPO3.org is the main developer resource of the TYPO3 project, a free CMS framework released under the GPL. This site provides lots of information about creating sites, writing extensions and developing the core of TYPO3.