Freeplane is a powerful and free software for building the mind maps. It is a redesigned version of the well known FreeMind, and is created by one of FreeMind's key developers
Der Blogautor Florian Rustler ist Innovationscoach und bietet seinen Online-Kurs in einer Gratisversion an.
Es ist ein Kurs zum Mitmachen, in der Einleitung wird gesagt, dass 30 % Input des Trainers sind 70 % Eigenarbeit. Die Kapitel 9 (Projektübung/Strukturierung von Inhalten) und 10 (Mitschriften bei Besprechungen und Vorträgen) sind nicht kostenfrei zugänglich.
"It's a module that allows you to work with mindmaps in Drupal that are compatible with Freemind. ... But it is much more than a mindmap tool: the module integrates with Drupal services ... it can render any view into mindmap branches ... you can add individual users, nodes or comments as a freemind branch ... if you use a view with an argument it will try to fill that argument using the data from the mindmap node for which you are trying to add that branch" * a freemind node that was created from a Drupal object has a hyperlink to that Drupal node
WikiMindMap is a tool to browse easily and efficiently in Wiki content, inspired by the mindmap technique. Wiki pages in large public wiki's, such as wikipedia, have become rich and complex documents. Thus, it is not allways straight forward to find the information you are really looking for. This tool aims to support users to get a good structured and easy understandable overview of the topic you are looking for. The browser is a modified version of the GNU GPL licenced Flash browser for FreeMind. All content of the mindmap is derived from the wiki which was selected and is available under the terms of GNU Free Documentaion Licence. Any other content and the conceptual idea of this website belong to the author.
Sciplore has produced an interesting hybrid between a mind mapping and reference management tool. Freemind Scholar adds two basic features over the excellent Freemind: you can have references (at this time, only bibTeX) inserted, and you can drag and drop hig hlights on pdfs (the pdf is linked).
This looks like the perfect IDE for sketching notes while reading papers.
Eine online MindMapping-Seite. Man kann Maps nach Freemind exportieren und von dort importieren. Die Maps können online gespeichert, veröffentlicht und gemeinsam bearbeitet werden.
Eine online MindMapping-Seite. Man kann Maps nach Freemind exportieren und von dort importieren. Die Maps können online gespeichert, veröffentlicht und gemeinsam bearbeitet werden.