Microsoft Research collaborates with computer scientists at academic and scientific institutions to promote advances in computing technologies and research.
Microsoft Research collaborates with computer scientists at academic and scientific institutions to promote advances in computing technologies and research.
MSAGL is a .NET tool for graph layout and viewing. It was developed in Microsoft Research by Lev Nachmanson. MSAGL is built on the principle of the Sugiyama scheme; it produces so called layered, or hierarchical layouts. This kind of a layout naturally applies to graphs with some flow of information. The graph could represent a control flow graph of a program, a state machine, a C++ class hierarchy, etc.
TrueSkill™ Ranking System
TrueSkill™ Ranking System
The TrueSkill™ ranking system is a skill based ranking system for Xbox Live developed at Microsoft Research.
A. Sinha, Z. Shen, Y. Song, H. Ma, D. Eide, B. Hsu, and K. Wang. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, page 243--246. Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, (2015)