Danish-Canadian urban designer Mikael Colville-Andersen busts some common myths and shows how the bicycle has the potential to transform cities around the world
In 2012 waren zeven op de tien Nederlandse internetgebruikers van 12 jaar en ouder actief op sociale media. Vooral sociale netwerken zoals Facebook en Twitter zijn populair. Bijna alle jongeren zijn hierop te vinden. Vrijwel nergens in de Europese Unie is het aandeel gebruikers van sociale media zo groot als in Nederland.
Access to the internet wherever and whenever you want: last year, 9 in 10 people accessed the internet on a daily basis. Today, Statistics Netherlands announced that a faster internet connection, more access and a wider range of possibilities encourage people to engage in more online activities, like listening to the radio, reading the news, watching TV and e-shopping.
Swivel is a website where people share reports of charts and numbers. Swivel is free for public data, and charges a monthly fee to people who want to use it in private.
Open source graph visualization software. Takes descriptions of graphs in a simple text language, makes diagrams formatted as images, SVG for web, PS for PDF, GXL (XML dialect), and more.
J. Ganascia, and J. Velcin. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2004), volume 3127 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 156-169. Springer, (2004)