December 16, 2021
Professor Lesley Gourlay, University College London, Dr Carlo Perrotta, Monash University, Professor Paul Prinsloo, University of South Africa Chair: Dr Ibrar Bhatt, Queen's University Belfast
Join Abelardo Pardo from University of South Australia and Timothy McKay from University of Michigan along with Lucy Appert from New York University for a insightful conversation about the strategies and challenges for enriching large introductory courses with learning analytic tools.
iMooX wurde im Dezember 2013 von der Universität Graz und der Technischen Universität Graz gegründet und ist die erste und einzige österreichische MOOC-Plattform.
This event took place on 21 April 2021.
These popular events comprise a range of presentations and discussion sessions and are an opportunity to network with colleagues involved in learning analytics projects at other institutions.
This session was led by Juan Pablo Sarmiento and introduces learning analytics researchers and practitioners to a collection of tools that can be used to scaffold the effective and authentic participation of stakeholders in the design, implementation and evaluation of Learning Analytics systems.
In dieser Folge untersucht der Publizist Frank Siepmann mit dem Learning-Analytics-Wissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler die Fragen: Wie werden Learning Analytics definiert und was steckt dahinter?
La Journée Thématique (JT) du CUME portant sur les Learning Analytics ou Traces d’apprentissage, a eu lieu le 10 octobre 2019, à la Maison des Universités à Paris
This video describes a European research project - SHEILA (Supporting Higher Eduction to Integrate Learning Analytics). The content includes the goal, objectives, methodology, key findings, outputs, and recommendations.