This is again a small JMS configuration stuff we have to do in JBoss 5. There is considerable difference in doing it in JBoss 5 compared to JBoss 4 and don’t expect our old configuration to work well with JBoss 5 without any change. In JBoss 5 they are using JBoss Messaging in place of JBoss MQ. You can read a detailed post on migrating from JBoss 4 to JBoss 5 here.
Upgrading JBoss 4 to JBoss 5 with Java 5 to Java 6
The information presented here comes from an effort to upgrade a Java enterprise application to the most current versions of all of its parts; primarily to get onto Java 6. Its starting system specifications were the following:
When using JUnit in Spring there are several features added that many developers are not aware of.
First, if you are including the Spring Context in your tests, it becomes an Integration Test, no longer a Unit Test.
EJBs in Scala schreiben
Was spricht eigentlich dagegen, eine EJB in Scala zu implementieren? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, habe ich ein Demo-Projekt aufgesetzt, in dem ich zwei EJBs in Scala implementiere.
WSRP is an open standard proposed by OASIS for several years. The spec now is sponsored by a number of
big names like IBM and BEA. There are currently two active implementation of the spec. One is wsrp4j from
Apache foundation (still a incubator project, been developed since 2002). The other one is a subproject of Open-Portal.
I have been exposed and done lot of development on the Apache's wsrp4j project. Thus, in this guide I will
mainly discuss wsrp4j implementation.
At this point, wsrp4j project is still under heavy development and re-construction. It is almost impossible
to get the trunk snapshot in the project repository and make it work without pulling all your hair out to figure
out how to set it up properly. This mostly caused by the lack of documentation and support from its developers.
Still, there is a stable (enough) revision which we can use to make a perfect wsrp4j environment.
The wsrp4j revison I use here is 440430 along with pluto portal 1.0.1 release for setting up a producer.
Jetspeed 2.1 (latest version currently) will be used as a container for wsrp4j consumer (wsrp4j-proxyportlet).
Of course, you can use pluto to setup wsrp4j consumer as well. But that is very easy to do.
Plus, pluto portal doesn't provide a lot of bell and whistle in the GUI side as Jetspeed portal does.
This article show you how you can fix bugs for maven-plugins (eclipse setup for hacking the code, debugging etc.) with a concrete project: maven-eclipse-plugin. Lets start …
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Aber jetzt wünsche ich Ihnen viel Spaß beim Java lernen!
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Hibernate Annotations is my preferred way to map my entity classes, since they don't require any external file (thus keeping mapping info in your Java files), is fully integrated with all Hibernate mapping capabilities and Hibernate documentation encourages us to use this kind of configuration because it's more efficient.
Annotation driven mapping in Hibernate uses the standard JPA API annotations and introduce some specific extensions to deal with some Hibernate features. You can find a full reference in the official documentation.
The traditional way to integrate JSF and Spring was to define JSF beans in faces-config as managed beans and refer to the spring beans using the managed-property configuration. With the help of the spring’s delegatingvariableresolver the managed property is resolved from spring application context and JSF’s IOC injects the bean to the JSF Managed bean instance. I’ve written an article it about this way before.First approach is modelled as follows