In the 15th and 16th centuries, Croatian writing about the Ottoman threat was both a reaction to the continuous crisis of several states, their societies, and culture, and an attempt to overcome this crisis by developing new ideas and...
Zwue newer Zeyttung unnd noch vil Groessere Christliche Victoria, So die Christen mit Gottes hilff unnd beystandt Widerumb bey 500000.Türcken bey Ostrahitz inn Croatien den 29.Octobris, Anno des 87.Jar aberhalten unnd uberwunden haben ; Zwue newer Zeyttung vnnd noch vil Groessere Christliche Victoria, So die Christen mit Gottes hilff vnnd beystandt Widerumb bey 500000.Türcken bey Ostrahitz inn Croatien den 29.Octobris, Anno des 87.Jar aberhalten vnnd vberwunden haben. Mehr ein newe Zeyttung ausz Constantinopel den 27.Nouember, Anno 1587. Jar Das auch die Georgianer vnnd Ianitscharen, vil Taussendt Türcken erschlagen an zweyen orden. ... ; Neue Zeitung aus Konstantinopel den 27. November Anno 1587
Ein andere unnd noch Grössere Christenliche Victoria und Kurtze verzaychnuß, deß grossen und erhaltnen Sygs, so die Christen durch Gottes hilff und Beystandt den 3. Septembris, ablauffendts 87. Jars, wider 40000. Türgken bey Ostrohitz in Croatia erhalten, und die Erbfeindt Chustenliches Namens uberwunden haben
Victoria. Frewdenreiche türckische Niderlag, und sieghaffte Schlacht, deß gestrengen edlen Herrn, Herrn Joann Fernbergers, Ritter von Awr, Obristen Leittenant auff der Welayer Hayden, in Crabaten und auff den Meergrentzen, sampt kurtzer vermeldung, wie solliche .̤ mit wenig Christen, gegen etlich tausent Türcken, neben dem Fluß Corana, unter Dreßnick, sich verloffen
Erschreckliche, doch Warhafftige Newe Zeitung. Von dem Grewlichen Sieg und Triumph der Tuercken, im Crabatischen Lande ; Erschreckliche/ doch Warhafftige Newe Zeitung. Von dem Grewlichen Sieg vnd Triumph der Tuercken/ im Crabatischen Lande/ So sie im verschienen Monat Augusti/ in diesem ablauffenden 93. Jahr gethan/ mit morden/ Sebeln vnd rauben/ da er das Kloster Sisseg vnd die Stadt Agramb/ eroebert vnd eingenommen/ viel tausent Christen jemmerlich ermordet vnd hinweg gefuehret. ...
Voltz, Nikolaus : Frankfurt/Oder, 1593
Rački, Dopisi izmedju krajiških turskih... časnika
Rački, Franjo
Zagreb : Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti , 1879
Over three centuries, some Croatian regions were in the geopolitical situation which could be qualified as between “the devil and the deep sea”, as far as they were under Venetian and Ottoman domination. In literature, the Ottoman occupation was a very fertile thematic field. Four major Croatian writers: Marko Marulić (16th century), Ivan Djivo Gundulić (17th), Ivan Mažuranić (19th) and Miroslav Krleža (20th) fictionalised the Ottoman topics. Hereby, we propose to study phenomena of transposition, i.e. shifting and sliding of historical items in the process of their aesthetic realisation. Why the literary transposition is contemporary to events by which it was inspired only in the case of Marulić and to some extent in the case of Gundulić? Why Gundulić and Mažuranić displaced the fictional topics of their epic poems Osman and The Death of Smail-Aga Čengić far from Croatian countries. Why Krleža used the form of ballads to treat this subject? What role the Christian Occident was supposed to play in four oeuvres? Did the literary transcription of fight against Ottomans contribute in the building of identity imaginary of Croatians.
Andronicus, Tranquillus Parthenius: Hec co[n]tinent[ur] in hoc opusculo. Tranquilli Parthenij Dalmate ad Deum Contra Thurcas Oratio carmine Heroico, [Nürnberg], [ca. 1515] [VD16 A 2804]
Andronicus, Tranquillus Parthenius: Oratio Tranquilli Parthenii Andronici Dalmatae contra Thurcas ad Germanos habita, Augusta Vindelicorum, 1518 [VD16 A 2808]
D. Dukić. Poj željno! Iskazivanje i poimanje emocija u hrvatskoj pisanoj kulturi srednjega i ranoga novoga vijeka, Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, Zagreb, (2012)