HTML5 has been around for a while now, it introduces lots of new and exciting new JavaScript and HTML APIs for both mobile and desktop, so in this post you will discover some HTML5 features that will enhance your web apps and will save you a lot of time.
Smashing Magazine is an online magazine for professional Web designers and developers, with a focus on useful techniques, best practices and valuable resources.
Mit diesem Video beginnt der HTML5-Workshop. Ich gebe einen kurzen Nachtrag zum Update-Video, sage, welche Entwicklungsumgebung ich nutze, welche Render-Engi...
After the jump, read the FAQ on HTML5 / H.264 >>Q. What is the big change? A. Previously, TEDTalks videos on were only delivered using the Flash platform. Since Flash is not generally available on mobile devices, you could not watch our videos on through your phone browser. So we modified our site, and now use an HTML5 video player — showing video encoded to the H.264 codec — to deliver video to the majority of mobile devices accessing What it means is: Now, on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad running iPhone OS 3.0 or later, you can watch videos on, using the phone’s web browser. Since Android devices do not yet support HTML5 video in the browser, the experience is slightly different. You will need to click to view in the native video player.
P. Bühler, P. Schlaich, и D. Sinner. Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Imprint: Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2017)Verfasserangabe: von Peter Bühler, Patrick Schlaich, Dominik Sinner ; Online-Ressource Kann nicht per Fernleihe bestellt werden! ; Quelldatenbank: FHBK-x ; Format:marcform: print ; Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (X, 105 S. 50 Abb).