This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. Lund university Libraries.
Public Goods and the Public Domain: The Access to Knowledge in Developing Countries, and Innovation in Health, Education and Science. Forero Pineda, Clemente. 2004. The Digital Library of the Commons. University of Indiana
"The ICIE was created in 1999 by Rafael Capurro. It started as a small group of friends and colleagues but developed soon into an international and intercultural platform with by now 280 members from all over the world. In 2001 a cooperation agreement wa
FOSS ILS in Academic Libraries. A map of academic libraries using a FOSS ILS. Data from - Koha (yellow) - Evergreen (green) - OPALS (purple) - NewGenLib (red)
FOSS ILS in Public Libraries A map of public libraries using a FOSS ILS. Data from I've used a single entry for each consortium / multi-library system, and indicated how many libraries are in each where possibl
Posted October 7, 2005. Open Content Alliance. Yahoo, European Union Announce Digital Library Projects "In the wake of Google’s plan to digitize books from libraries and provide access to their contents through its search engine, Yahoo has announced that
Wikipedia: "According to the Settlement Agreement, the Registry will own and maintain a rights information database for all books (and parts of books) covered by the Agreement and their authors and publishers. It will also resolve disputes between rightsh
"Rolf Källman, tillträdande (1 sept.) chef för samordningssekretariatet för digitalisering, talar 34 minuter in i filmen om vikten av öppenhet och frihet, tydlig uppmärkning genom användandet av Creative Commons-licenser, med mera. Detta reformarbete ska
Netherlands Orgnisatio for Scientific Research; NWO, Information and communication Department "Publically financed research must be freely accessible to everybody. Therefore open access publishing must become the norm. NWO is committed to increasing world
Det var ikke noe vanskelig valg, sa juryleder Marianne Aasen under overrekkelsen 6. januar av prisen Årets bibliotek 2011. Hun og flere trakk fram hvordan kombinerer god bibliotekånd med avansert IT. Men en forutsetning for topp kvalitet helseinformasjon for alle handler om organisering; om prisvinnerens gjennombrudd i forhandlingene om nasjonale lisenser.
Discussions by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights (SCCR) broke down in the early hours of Saturday morning 3 May, after the European Union (EU) attempted to block future discussion of copyright laws to aid libraries and archives fulfill their missions in the digital environment.
Milton Mueller: " The case for freedom of information, I argue, must be grounded in a political commitment to liberalism; i.e., individual freedom of action, not in an ethical obligation to share software or information as such."
Bob Pasnau, University of Colorado (‘In medias’ aspires to assemble in one place the latest information pertaining to scholars of medieval philosophy. This blog will avoid rants and philosophical musings, confining itself itself to news and notes of general interest to medievalists.) on library ebooks from Oxford University Press. copyfight
Kimmo Tuominen, ylikirjastonhoitaja, professori, Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto: "Kiplingin runossa läntinen teesi ja itäinen antiteesi päätyvät veriveljeyden synteesiin. Myös tiedejulkaisemisen käytäntöjen tervehdyttäminen edellyttää kolmatta tietä tieteellisen kommunismin ja kapitalistisen julkaisuteollisuuden välissä. "Teknologisten ja sosiaalisten julkaisuinnovaatioiden lisäksi tarvitsemme etenkin tiedepoliittista kaukonäköisyyttä. Yliopistojen rahoitusmalliratkaisut eivät saa sementoida tiedejulkaisemisen nykymalleja ja pönkittää kohtuuttomasti jo ennestään vahvojen suuryritysten asemaa."
Whois Record for The domain was sold sold for $850,000 before the Internext Adult Auction started last January. See
"Roy Kady, with Diné bé iiná, said that the selling of songs, stories and other intellectual property by some is a matter of economics. – "A lot of people are poor," Kady said. "The only way they can make money is selling their knowledge." – "Anytime in
Public Goods and the Public Domain: The Access to Knowledge in Developing Countries, and Innovation in Health, Education and Science. Forero Pineda, Clemente. 2004. The Digital Library of the Commons. University of Indiana
For the sake of global scientific progress, human development, and poverty alleviation, it is surely time to end the slavery of traditional publishing.
This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. Lund university Libraries.
Yoga is fun, although Yoga-patents are not. "It is worth noting that the people in the forefront of the patenting of traditional Indian wisdom are Indians, mostly overseas." Yoga means union.
Professor Rosling from Karolinska Institutet lectures on YouTube about statistical databases, visualization, and our (mis)conceptions about the situation in various countries and continents.
IPS-article about the profit-laundering of pharmaceutical and other corporations, which move their "intellectual property" to Bermuda and other tax havens in order to evade taxes.