Auf diesen Seiten möchten wir mit Ihnen Informationen zu dem internationalen Regelwerk Resource Description and Access (RDA) und zum Stand der Arbeiten für die Einführung der RDA in der DNB austauschen.
Diese Begleitwebsite ergänzt das Lehrbuch "Lehrbuch Basiswissen RDA" von Heidrun Wiesenmüller und Silke Horny durch Aktualisierungen und zusätzliche Materialien und bietet außerdem in einem Blog Neuigkeiten und Informationen rund um das Thema RDA.
In this post, Jennifer Bowen discusses the implications of Karen Coyle's January issue of Library Technology Reports, and places it in the current context of Metadata librarianship.
The Resource Description and Access (RDA) standard, due to be released this coming summer, has included since May 2007 a parallel effort to build Semantic Web enabled vocabularies. This article describes that effort and the decisions made to express the vocabularies for use within the library community and in addition as a bridge to the future of library data outside the current MARC-based systems. The authors also touch on the registration activities that have made the vocabularies usable independently of the RDA textual guidance. Designed for both human and machine users, the registered vocabularies describe the relationships between FRBR, the RDA classes and properties and the extensive value vocabularies developed for use within RDA.
The German National Library is currently generating training materials and making these available to all libraries and other cultural institutions in the German-speaking countries to coincide with the introduction of the new cataloguing code Resource Description and Access (RDA). The intention of the German National Library is to support the associations, libraries and other institutions in developing their own training materials and to help avoid duplication of work.