Ciao a tutti, il dizionario (clicca-e-leggi qui) DCC Latin Core Vocabulary raccoglie le 1000 parole più comuni del Latino (sul sito spiega come si sia arrivati a questa sintesi: altri presupposti avrebbero di certo portato ad altri risultati, ma il principio rimane valido). Nell'ultimo post, dizionario frequenziale latino: le 1000 parole più comuni abbiamo pubblicato una prima bozza di…
Portail de l'Académie de Paris, upload/docs/image/png/2009-10/accueil_open_office.png Ce lexique latin se présente sous la forme d'un fichier qu'on peut ouvrir, manipuler, reclasser, compléter avec Excel ou Open Office grâce à l'onglet __données__ et à la commande __trier__
WM Snapshot. The internet is full of Latin material which can be freely (and legally) downloaded. However, as far as vocabulary lists are concerned, there are quite a few of those covering specific text books, but not all that many covering specific topics. This is something I intend to do something about.
Joseph Denooz, Nouveau lexique fréquentiel de latin. Alpha-Omega. Reihe A Bd 258. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2010. Pp. ix, 453. ISBN 9783487144733. €148.00.
WORDS Version 1.97FC - A free program to download for the PC - Updated December 2006 - 39000 dictionary entries Inputing any Latin word returns the morphology, dictionary form, and meaning. Inputing English returns corresponding Latin. Large classical dictionary, plus medieval and modern.
[Internet Archive June 23, 2012] Any set of statistics about word frequencies in Latin will inevitably be, in the absence of a survey covering all classical texts (however one might define "classical" or "text"), a function of the specific works and passages chosen for the database. This collection is drawn from two word counts made much earlier in this century...
These lists were compiled from a largely prose corpus of about 5.3 million Latin words, including many post-classical sources. In this second edition, the many repetitions of the first edition have largely been eliminated, along with numerals and contractions, but the proper names have been retained. Also, the letters v and j have all been converted into the letters u and i. Thus the numeral VI was necessarily concordanced with the ablative of vis and appears as ui. For this and other reasons, these lists are only a rough approximation to the order of frequency. Note that each word's inflected forms are concordanced separately.