The article offers health information, guidance and resources on asthma for school nursing practice in Great Britain. Topics discussed include an overview of the study conducted by the nonprofit organization Asthma UK which investigates the respiratory disorder among children in Great Britain and the roles of the school nurse in providing support to children afflicted with the disorder. It also presents charts which list the available resources for asthma intervention. To read the full article, log in using your NHS Athens
A questionnaire called the ‘Patient Activation Measure’, previously developed and tested in the US to assess the knowledge, skills and confidence people have in managing their own health and healthcare, is currently being used by a select group of CCGs and the UK renal registry.
NHS England’s National Clinical Director for Long Term Conditions looks at what co-production means to the Long Term Conditions (LTC) Unit and how it is essential to supporting person-centred care, addressing such difficult issues as personalised care and support planning, information-sharing and workforce skills
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Ideas to make an impact on patient care and quality improvement
COPD and inhaler technique
Regular review of inhaler technique could reduce … Login using NHS Athens
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