Neil Ireson, Fabio Ciravegna, Marie Elaine Califf, Dayne Freitag, Nicholas Kushmerick, Alberto Lavelli: Evaluating Machine Learning for Information Extraction, 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2005), Bonn, Germany, 7-11 August, 2005
Lush is an object-oriented programming language designed for researchers, experimenters, and engineers interested in large-scale numerical and graphic applications.
A version space algorithm for learning extracting rules from tree-structured documents. Resulting hypotheses are called "tag tree patterns". A Mapping from tag tree patterns to statements in the XPath language is defined.
Hillis has bigger fish to fry than self-programming gadgets. In the past, he's expressed a desire to create machines that transcend what he sees as the limitations of human beings. "I guess I'm not overly perturbed by the prospect that there might be some
Even if a computer seems to be intelligent and can answer most questions as well as an intelligent, self-aware, human being, it will not really have a continuum of awareness, it will not really be aware of what it seems to "think" or "know," it will not h