Lesezeichen  1


    Standard ML is often used to implement another language L, for example, the syntax of the HOL logic in hol90 or the syntax of CCS for the Concurrency Workbench. Typically, one defines the abstract syntax of L by a datatype declaration. Then useful functions over the datatype can be defined (such as finding the free variables of a formula when L is a logic). Soon afterwards, one concludes that concrete syntax is easier for humans to read than abstract syntax, and so writes a parser and prettyprinter for L. In the situation just outlined, ML is called the metalanguage, and L is called the object language, or OL. (Edinburgh/INRIA/Cambridge ML, the precursor to Standard ML, was originally a programming metalanguage for a particular object language, the LCF logic.) The purpose of a quotation/antiquotation mechanism is to allow one to embed expressions in the object language's concrete syntax inside of ML programs, and to mix the object language expressions with ML expressions.
    vor 13 Jahren von @draganigajic
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