On 26 May 1828, a teenage boy appeared in the streets of Nuremberg, Germany. The boy, who answered to the name Kaspar Hauser, claimed to have grown up in the total isolation of a darkened cell. Hauser's claims, and his subsequent death by stabbing, sparked much debate and controversy. Some theories about him at the time linked him with the grand ducal House of Baden to be the hereditary "Prince of Baden". Nevertheless, these have long since been rejected by professional historians. On the other hand, Kaspar Hauser fits into the contemporary European image of the "wolf child", despite the fact that he almost certainly was not one. As a result, his story inspired numerous works.
A couple and their friend are scuba diving off the coast of Puerto Rico. When they return, they find it extremely hard to breathe. They put their oxygen masks back on and return to their boat to find the captain dead. The three survivors head back to shore and find everyone in town - and maybe the entire world...are all dead!
Stirbt ein großer Autor, freut sich an erster Stelle der Buchhandel, da sein Lebenswerk mit einem Male in zahllosen Neuauflagen die Regale befüllt. Besonderes Interesse gilt dann meist auch der letzten 'Hinterlassenschaft' des Meisters. In ganz besonderem Maße spannend wird es, wurde der große Meister inmitten seines Schaffens dahingerafft und konnte dieses letzte Werk nicht mehr beenden.
From the article: Since the early 20th century physicists have known that light carries momentum, but the way this momentum changes as light passes through different media is much less clear. Two rival theories of the time predicted precisely the opposite effect for light incident on a dielectric: one suggesting it pushes the surface in the direction light is traveling; the other suggesting it drags the surface backwards towards the source of light. After 100 years of conflicting experimental results, a team of experimentalists from China believe they have finally found a resolution
Now the time has come to summarize about Mystery Photo #31. Today we have one correct answer. This man will receive a prize - active link in my blog "Mystery Photo". I thank other people for the comments.
Wie man sich mit ein bßchen Kaffee und ein paar Tabletten zu viel in eine ganz andere Realität befördern kann, sehen Sie in dem gruseligen Kurzfilm 'Still Life'. Nur... wie kommt man wieder raus aus so einem Albtraum?
Three days later, when the police returned accompanied by experts from the French electricity board to see where the power was coming from, the phone and electricity lines had been cut and a note was lying in the middle of the floor: "Do not try to find u
I. Bigi. (1997)cite arxiv:hep-ph/9712475Comment: LATEX, 73 pages, no figures; lectures given at the XXV ITEP Winterschool of Physics, at `Frontiers in Contemporary Physics' and at the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course `Heavy Flavour Physics: A Probe of Nature's Grand Design'.