My primary area of research is Arabic Computational Linguistics. Specifically:
Stemming: Details about the stemmer I have developed for Arabic. With link to Java code.
Tagging: Details about the Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagger I am developing for Arabic.
Corpora: Details about the Arabic corpora I am using. I have manually tagged 50,000 words of Arabic newspaper text with the basic tags (noun, verb, particle). I have also tagged 1,700 words with more detailed tags (i.e. singular, masculine, definite common noun). These are available for research purposes. Please e-mail me if you would like a copy of them.
Publications: I have included a couple of my publications here that can be viewed or downloaded.
The long-term goal of the Grothendieck Circle is to make publicly available, and in some cases translate, published and unpublished material written by and about Alexandre Grothendieck, as well as original biographical material and documents.
“Je suis, ou ai été, un mathématicien. [...] J’ai eu 90 ans le 1er octobre 2011. Un groupe d’une trentaine d’anciens élèves, d’amis et de collègues [...] m’ont fait cadeau d’un site Internet à mon nom contenant quelques dizaines de textes que j’ai écrits, mais pas toujours publiés, sur les relations entre science, technologie et armement, la course aux armements et autres sujets analogues.”