Podcampus ist eine Podcasting-Plattform für Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Forschung. Vorlesungen und interessante Einzelveranstaltungen werden aufgezeichnet und als Audio- und Videodateien veröffentlicht. Ebenso gibt es eigens für Podcampus produziert
Audibot™ is an Linux-based audio device that Tables Turned distributes to radio stations and music venues. Connect it to an audio source and it automatically records, formats, and uploads MP3 recordings to any website.
This site aims to provide a location where musicians can upload music under the Creative Commons license for use in Podcasts, Mashups, Shoutcasts, Webcasts and every other kind of 'casting' that exists on the net.
Pediaphon ist ein kostenfreier Dienst von Andreas Bischoff, der aus deutsch- und englischsprachigen Wikipedia-Artikeln mit Hilfe von Sprachsynthese MP3-Audiodateien erzeugt. Der Dienst wird an der FernUniversität in Hagen am Lehrgebiet Prozesssteuerung u
reaming in Code, chronicles this process and reveals the hard truths that don't change from decade to decade about creating innovative software. Rosenberg expands on the book's comparisons to the fortunes of two other large projects: the San Francisco-Oak
What's starfrosch? Starfrosch is. a user driven mp3 blog with podcasts. At starfrosch, you share your music or videos and vote. Starfrosch learns from your voting and makes personal recommendations. Your votes create the charts.
Play Tagger is a neat little tool that allows you to easily play mp3 files directly on del.icio.us (see the popular mp3 bookmarks), and you can have it for your website or blog too. Include this tiny javascript in your HTML,
This is John Piper's conference packed with Reformed theology -- but there's some really good stuff here, like Voddie Baucham's out-of-the-park sermon, Mark Dricoll, DA Carson, Tim Keller, and more. Good stuff here, check it out.
PapoTech - É um podcast com um bate papo informal entre dois fãs de tecnologia. Semanalmente discutiremos os assuntos que foram notícia no mundo globalizado. Se você gosta de Internet, mp3 players, TV digital, filmes, fotografia digital, softwares, di