This online consultation toolkit is an interactive document that provides a range of ideas and options for different professionals, including clinicians, at different points in their implementation journey.
Patients in north Staffordshire are benefitting from advancements in digital technology being used to connect patients with GPs at the click of a button.
The ‘Skype to Care Home’ programme aims to link care home residents and primary care clinicians by conducting video consultations through medium of Skype. There are currently 16 care homes and 12 GP practices in north Staffordshire taking part in the programme.
NHS doctors and nurses are using Skype to help older people get faster care, reduce avoidable ambulance call-outs and help people stay out of hospital.
The on-call Skype NHS team takes around 8,000 calls a year from wardens working in sheltered accommodation, care home staff and community teams looking for expert support for their residents.
Scheme running in Tameside (Greater Manchester).
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Musculoskeletal ; Osteoporosis ; Nutrition and obesity ; Falls ; HR ; Research Methods ; Information Governance ; Bladder, bowel and pelvic healthcare ; Rheumatology ; Medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency (circulated email)
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The new report, ‘Nursing in the Digital Age – Using Technology to Support Patients at Home’ is based on a survey of over 500 nurses working in the community, the document revisits a subject first analysed by the QNI in its 2012 publication, ‘Smart New World’.
The new report seeks to determine how far new healthcare information technology has changed in the previous six years and how skills and attitudes within community services have adapted.
We’ve just heard that SSOTP will not be renewing their agreement with SSSFT LKS for library services for this financial year. Because of this we will be reviewing our Be Aware bulletins. Sadly we won’t be accepting any new sign-ups from SSOTP staff and will be withdrawing some of the physical healthcare bulletins that we…
Here is a round up under the key themes and areas identified by Simon Stevens with links to services and solutions [some digital] that work.
Includes sections for mental health services, dementia, end of life care, primary care, discharge planning/frailty.
The service ‘Advice and Guidance’ offers the opportunity for GPs across Morecambe Bay to hold a secure electronic ‘conversation’ with a hospital specialist to obtain real time advice about a patient’s condition. This can often enable a patient to be managed under the care of their local GP.