* On Demand
o Can load keys when ssh is launched.
o Can load keys when the Apple Keychain is unlocked.
* Security
o Can unload keys on sleep (or after a period of sleep).
o Can unload keys when the screenssaver kicks in.
o Can unload keys when the Apple Keychain is locked.
o Can lock the Apple Keychain when the screensaver kicks in.
o Can ask for confirmation when keys are accessed (useful for agent forwarding).
* Display
o Icon can be displayed in the statusbar, dock, or both.
* Integration
o Apple Keychain
+ Can store SSH key passphrases in the Apple Keychain.
+ Can lock/unlock the Apple Keychain from a menu item.
o Global Environment
+ Can add the necessary variables to the global environment, so you can use SSHKeychain with Project Builder, etc.
o SSH Tools
+ Works seamless with the commandline tools (adding keys from the commandline also updates the UI).
+ Can generate new keypairs from the UI.
* Networking
o Tunneling
+ Local ports can be forwarded over a ssh connection from the tunnel menu.
+ Tunnels can be launched when your keys are loaded.
+ The tunnel menu indicates the status of your tunnels.
+ Tunnels are automatically closed when the system goes to sleep.
+ Multiple ports can be forwarded over one ssh connection.
o Can handle agent requests through Agent Forwarding.
If you cannot use a SSH client to bypass the firewall (403 error, connect command not allowed) you can use GNU httptunnel to bypass the firewall. As an example we forward again the Windows Remote Desktop (port 3389).