Ksplice allows system administrators to apply security patches to the Linux kernel without having to reboot. Ksplice takes as input a source code change in unified diff format and the kernel source code to be patched, and it applies the patch to the corre
PWNtcha stands for "Pretend We’re Not a Turing Computer but a Human Antagonist", as well as PWN capTCHAs. This project’s goal is to demonstrate the inefficiency of many captcha implementations.
There are times when you want to connect to the Internet through unknown and/or insecure networks such as the local Panera or other WiFi hotspot. If you aren’t careful, you might make it all too easy for someone to sniff your connection using Ettercap
Random.org offers true random numbers to anyone on the internet. If you want to know how the numbers are made and what it is that makes them true, read the introduction to randomness and random numbers.
E então. Pela segunda vez tenho a impressão de que o Brasil está degringolando para um autoritarismo sem pé nem cabeça na internet. E o pior, desta vez nem é o governo ou grandes corporações como foi da última vez, agora é um “empresário” c
My first experience with software quality was in 1976, when I sat in front of an ASR-33 and laboriously typed 2 pages of BASIC code from David Ahl's "Creative Computing" into my high school's Hewlett-Packard 21MX. Supposedly it would let me simulate a lun
Ophcrack is a Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a GTK+ Graphical User Interface and runs on Windows, Mac OS X (Intel CPU) as well as
This is the homepage of the Shape Contexts based approach to break Gimpy, the CAPTCHA test used at Yahoo! to screen out bots. Our method can successfully pass that test 92% of the time. See EZ-Gimpy in action at Yahoo! The approach we take uses general pu
aSSL is a library distributed under MIT License thats implements a technology similar to SSL without HTTPS. aSSL is composed from a file .js and a server component. Currently, the ASP and PHP components are ready. I'm developing Ruby and Java components a
Ophcrack is a Windows password cracker based on a time-memory trade-off using rainbow tables. This is a new variant of Hellman's original trade-off, with better performance.
If you cannot use a SSH client to bypass the firewall (403 error, connect command not allowed) you can use GNU httptunnel to bypass the firewall. As an example we forward again the Windows Remote Desktop (port 3389).
The purpose of the simple java captcha project is to make it easy to generate good-looking captchas with a minimum of programming and preferably little configuration. SimpleCaptcha is an open Source Java implementation for captcha creation. Integration is
Services like the XmlHttpProxy for Java are designed to return JavaScript that is evaluated on the client. Unfortunately, if you are not careful with the design of your services, JSONP techniques could be used to hijack your services. While I'm not saying