public interface PostRepository extends BaseJpaRepository<Post, Long> {
select p
from Post p
where date(p.createdOn) >= :sinceDate
@QueryHint(name = AvailableHints.HINT_FETCH_SIZE, value = "25")
Stream<Post> streamByCreatedOnSince(@Param("sinceDate") LocalDate sinceDate);
The FETCH_SIZE JPA query hint is necessary for PostgreSQL and MySQL to instruct the JDBC Driver to prefetch at most 25 records. Otherwise, the PostgreSQL and MySQL JDBC Drivers would prefetch all the query results prior to traversing the underlying ResultSet.
Switching the stream from parallel() to sequential() worked in the initial Stream API design, but caused many problems and finally the implementation was changed, so it just turns the parallel flag on and off for the whole pipeline. The current documentation is indeed vague, but it was improved in Java-9:
The stream pipeline is executed sequentially or in parallel depending on the mode of the stream on which the terminal operation is invoked. The sequential or parallel mode of a stream can be determined with the BaseStream.isParallel() method, and the stream's mode can be modified with the BaseStream.sequential() and BaseStream.parallel() operations. The most recent sequential or parallel mode setting applies to the execution of the entire stream pipeline.
def sample = ['Groovy', 'Gradle', 'Grails', 'Spock'] as String[]
def result = sample.stream() // Use stream() on array objects
.filter { s -> s.startsWith('Gr') }
.map { s -> s.toUpperCase() }
.toList() // toList() added to Stream by Groovy
[on the client] add a local /etc/[pulse/]default.pa containing:
load-module module-tunnel-sink sink_name=rpi_tunnel server=tcp: sink=bcm1
If you don't put a sink_name in, pulseaudio won't start. The sink refers to the sink name on the [server] side [determined via: pactl list | grep -C5 Sink | grep 'Name:']
Hi everyone, I am trying to connect a drone's camera using rstp and use YOLO for object recognition. I have been trying to find out what files and lines of code to change in order for me to achieve my goal, I have tried changing, the art...
Stream<String> a = Stream.of("one", "two");
Stream<String> b = Stream.of("three", "four");
Stream.concat(a, b);
Stream.of(a, b, c)
Stream.of(a, b, c).flatMap(s -> s);
// Convert elements to strings and concatenate them, separated by commas String joined = things.stream() .map(Object::toString) .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));