Anxiety and stress can manifest in various ways, including constant worry, difficulty sleeping, headaches, and even chest pain. If you’re in Spring Hill, FL, and experiencing these symptoms, Springhill Primary Care can help. Dr. Lakshmi Kolli, M.D., is skilled in diagnosing and treating anxiety-related conditions. But when should you see a doctor? If your symptoms of stress and anxiety persist or interfere with daily life, it’s time to seek help. A primary care doctor can offer treatments to help you manage stress, improve your mental health, and restore your quality of life.
Ah, the feeling of leaving work after a long, stressful day.
Your shoulders are tight, your mind is racing, and all you
want is to melt into a state of pure relaxation. But how do
you get there
Are you holding stress and tension in your jaw and habitually clenching and grinding your teeth? This self-help hypnotherapy Download for adults and older teenagers can support any advice from your dentist. It teaches you how to relax your jaw more calmly and comfortably and so turn this into a new habit. Gentle & relaxing, it helps you let go of tensions and deal more easily with stress and negative feelings which are usually the cause of teeth clenching. Become more aware of the clenching and grinding action during the daytime so you can consciously relax your jaw. Also accept suggestions for unconsciously relaxing your jaw as you sleep. Listen, preferably daily, until relaxing your jaw has become your new habit and then listen from time to time to maintain the change. This SUCCESSFUL APPROACH is based on natural, safe, sound hypnotherapy principles: act out each positive step in the imagination and dramatically increase the chance of success in the real world. Lynda’s gentle, English voice calms, re-assures as she gives suggestions for boosting confidence and self-esteem. As a former teacher and clinical hypnotherapist of many years standing, she has helped thousands of people world-wide through her self-hypnosis audios. She has featured in the press, TV and radio and is the author of two widely acclaimed books on hypnotherapy with children and adults. This recording uses state-of-the-art technology and is particularly effective when you listen on headphones.
Qu’elle soit aiguë ou chronique, la douleur a longtemps été méprisée. En Europe, il a fallu attendre les années 2000 pour que le soulagement des souffrances inutiles commence à être reconnu comme un droit. Quel rapport entretenons-nous avec la douleur aujourd’hui ? Enquête en Belgique et en France, où l’hypnose thérapeutique se développe dans les blocs opératoires comme alternative à l’anesthésie générale.
K. Kallus. Fortschritte der psychologischen Forschung ; 14 Psychologie-Verl.-Union, Weinheim, (1992)K. Wolfgang Kallus. graph. Darst 21 cm. Includes bibliographical
references (p. 206 - 225) and index. $5GBV.