In some cultures, the value of personal development is top of mind as it means advancement in personal prosperity. Even in our more saturated society where learning and training is often free and easy to get, it is seen as important – however, investments in learning always compete with other investments.
Within the project FDMentor, a German Train-the-Trainer Programme on Research Data Management (RDM) was developed and piloted in a series of workshops. The topics cover many aspects of research data management, such as data management plans and the publication of research data, as well as didactic units on learning concepts, workshop design and a range of didactic methods. After the end of the project, the concept was supplemented and updated by members of the Sub-Working Group Training/Further Education (UAG Schulungen/Fortbildungen) of the DINI/nestor Working Group Research Data (DINI/nestor-AG Forschungsdaten). The newly published English version of the Train-the-Trainer Concept contains the translated concept, the materials and all methods of the Train-the-Trainer Programme. Furthermore, additional English references and materials complement this version.
Im Rahmen des BMBF-Projekts FDMentor wurde ein deutschsprachiges Train-the-Trainer Programm zum Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) erstellt und in einer Reihe von Workshops pilotiert. Die behandelten Themen umfassen sowohl die Aspekte des Forschungsdatenmanagements, wie beispielsweise Datenmanagementpläne und die Publikation von Forschungsdaten, als auch didaktische Einheiten zu Lernkonzepten, Workshopgestaltung und eine Reihe von didaktischen Methoden. Nach Projektende wurde das Konzept durch Mitglieder der UAG Schulungen/Fortbildungen der DINI/nestor-AG Forschungsdaten ergänzt und aktualisiert. Die nun veröffentlichte dritte, überarbeitete Version des Train-the-Trainer-Konzepts enthält erweiterte Einheiten, neue Methoden und Übungen sowie aktualisierte Informationen und zusätzliche weiterführende Ressourcen. Verbesserte Verlinkungen innerhalb des Dokumentes erleichtern die Navigation.
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Training of German Heron Turboprop (TP) medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) crews began in Israel at the end of January, the Luftwaffe said on its website. It is the first time German military personnel have been stationed in Israel, according to the Luftwaffe.
Training has always been an obviously important component of military capability. Less obvious has been the importance of education. There is, however, reason to believe that education is becoming an even more important component than hitherto. The changing character of conflict is pointing towards an environment for military action that is becoming ever more uncertain,…
Training and preparing for your future adventure can definitely be challenging during the time of Covid-19. It might require us to be more creative to continue our fitness regimen, but it is totally possible. The best way to train for your future backpacking trips hasn’t changed from what we would have recommended prior to this …
Interest in learning analytics is intensifying, yet organizations continue to face huge analytics challenges. Why? Analyst John Leh takes a closer look
It never bodes well to dive into the unknown without preparation. To define, design and enable learning analytics, it’s essential to have a clear strategy in place. Prep yourself with these evaluation questions before you dive into learning analytics.