Nafeez Ahmed
A systems lens suggests a quarter of [USA's ] GDP could evaporate on a pathway to violent civil unrest, concentration camps, and genocidal violence that would be a free gift to Putin
The events of the last few years have demonstrated that the unthinkable can become mainstream, the fringe can become normal, at unprecedented speeds. The Musk-Trump plan is the fruition of a global network war aimed at tearing down the entire infrastructure of a viable democracy in the United States – and it would not stop there, but reverberate across the world in an effort to shore-up the global system and protect the interests of the most powerful as the ‘polycrisis’ intensifies. We should stop underestimating the risks, and start waking up to who is fighting this war and why.
Nafeez Ahmed is a systems theorist, change strategist and investigative journalist. He is the author of ALT REICH: THE NETWORK WAR TO DESTROY THE WEST FROM WITHIN which will be available in late November
“I think the fundamental message is that we are breaking from 30 years of flawed policy,” said a congressional aid familiar with the report.
“One doesn’t need to look far to see that every single president within the first few months of their administration, goes and meets with Putin.”
Strobe Talbott , 18 Jan. 2019: Whether he knows it or not, Trump is integral to Putin’s strategy to strengthen authoritarian regimes and undermine democracies around the world. This unprecedented aberration defiles what America stands for at home and abroad; it alienates and dispirits our allies; and—if it is allowed to persist—it will jeopardize our security.