Apache MyFaces Orchestra aims to provide a simple way to combine a web-framework with a persistence layer. Typically, an Apache MyFaces Orchestra stack might combine JavaServer Faces, Spring and a JPA implementation like Toplink, Hibernate, etc.
The underlying idea is to provide long persistence sessions to the web-developer - this is done by associating these sessions with a conversational context.
The conversational context is opened when the bean configured for this context is first loaded. It can be manually closed by the programmer, plus a time-out can be configured as a global parameter.
From the authors of the German book "JSF@work" (see http://jsfatwork.irian.at). A lightweight framework for J2EE web applications which makes a clean step out of session handling problems when using persistence frameworks. Also features like aspect oriented JSF are introduced. All provided by a best-practice web application.
Today’s leading web applications are increasingly built on Web 2.0 principles: rich user interface, lightweight integration of multiple data sources, rapid evolution of applications, and user control over both content and context. Web 2.0 promises to expand the functionality of core business applications, knit together multiple services, and deliver a feature-rich user interface to enhance the customer experience and employee productivity.
OPEN BEXI HTML Builder version 1.5 is coming soon. This version will brings to the web new functionalities like "fisheyes" and more from dojo. First integrated OPENBEXI supports for Web servers and databases should be available . This "big bang" version will be more stable and can be considered a production version. Enjoy it!.
Stripes is a presentation framework for building web applications using the latest Java technologies. The main driver behind Stripes is that web application development in Java is just too much work! It seems like every existing framework requires gobs of configuration. Struts is pretty feature-light and has some serious architectural issues (see Stripes vs. Struts for details). Others, like WebWork 2 and Spring-MVC are much better, but still require a lot of configuration, and seem to require you to learn a whole new language just to get started.