Wappalyzer uncovers the technologies used on websites. If you're a web developer or just have an interest in software on the web, go ahead and install the browser extension.
Omeka is a free, flexible, and open source web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions. Its “five-minute setup” makes launching an online exhibition as easy as launching a blog.
Typesafe provides an easy-to-use packaging of the Scala programming language, Akka middleware, and developer tools via the open source Typesafe Stack, as well as commercial support and maintenance via the Typesafe Subscription. Typesafe also provides training and consulting services to accelerate the commercial adoption of Scala and Akka.
very alpha; no cabal install, no windows, postgres only Turbinado is also an easy-to-use web application framework for Haskell which is fricking fast. Naturally, this website is written in Turbinado, so head over to the Git repo to see how easy it is to code websites in Turbinado. Haskell has no easy-to-use web framework. Turbinado is an effort to build one by lazily stealing the best ideas from Ruby On Rails, Features Turbinado gives you all of the benefits of coding in Haskell and adds: * A fast HTTP server with static- and dynamic-content serving capabilities; * Views built using a simple HTML-like templating syntax combined with tag-matching to guard against invalid HTML; * Automagic recompilation of Controllers, Layouts and Views; * coming soon A database ORM to make database interaction (especially with PostgreSQL) joyful; * A rich set of tags to make designing pages simpler;.
The following examples are described in Links: Web Programming Without Tiers * dictionary suggestion with database update (source) * draggable lists (with styles) (source) * progress bar (source) The following examples appeared in earlier drafts of the same paper * factorial (source) * dictionary suggestion (with styles) (source) * dictionary suggestion (no styles) (source) * draggable lists (database version, no styles) (source) Other examples * pagination (source) * mandelbrot sets (source) * multi-coloured mandelbrot set (source) * todo list (client) (source) * todo list (server) (source) * draggable Cropping Frame (source) * winestore (source) * citeseer data (source)
The Interaction Consortium is building a free, open source web framework specifically for the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) sector. It's called GLAMkit, and it is based on the leading-edge web framework Django, and has out-of-the-box support for public events, exhibitions, visitor info, social media, and hooks for collections, ecommerce, ticketing, and so on.