Webfonts were great when most computers only had a handful of good fonts pre-installed. Thanks to font creation and buying by Apple, Microsoft, Google, and other folks, most computers have good - no, great - fonts installed, and they're a great option if you want to not load a separate font.
The quality of available free fonts has increased dramatically. To be frank, free fonts don’t have a good reputation, and often they are knock-offs of thoroughly crafted, already established typefaces. So is it time for professional designers to take a second look?
The Open Font Library promotes your freedoms as it relates to the use of type. All the fonts that appear on this site come with the freedom to use, study, share and remix them. Browse our catalogue and see what's new.
Typewolf is a curated design showcase that identifies the fonts used in the design. Our goal is to serve as a one-stop resource for designers seeking typographic inspiration for the modern web.
Webmasterpro Webanalyse: reprsentative Statistik zur Verbreitung von Schriftarten auf User-Seite im (deutschsprachigen) Netz und stellt neue Alternativen zu Verdana, Arial & Co vor. (tags: webdesign fonts)
At the moment there are several ways to use non-system fonts on a website. We will focus on the two least complicated, least expensive systems, Google Web Fonts and @font-face rule, though we have not ruled out other paying methods such as Typekit, Fonts.com webfonts, Fontdeck, Webtype, WebINK or Fontspring for future posts. They offer high quality typefaces and deserve to be considered. (tags: webdesign fonts)
Als Webdesigner ist man immer auf der Suche nach geeigneten, schönen Free-Fonts für neue Webdesigns und dank kostenloser Schriften-Ressourcen wie den Google