Welcome to The Ludwig Wittgenstein Project, a multilingual website that aims to make Wittgenstein's works available free of charge and with a free licence.
Wittgenstein's works are in the public domain in those countries where rights expire 70 years or fewer after the death of the author: this includes most of the European Union, Africa, Asia and Oceania, most Latin American Countries and Canada.
The Ludwig Wittgenstein Project provides complete, well-formatted, downloadable, free books: the German or English originals are available as well as translations in multiple languages, some of which were purpose-made by our team.
Become part of our Locals community: https://greenwald.locals.com/ You can read more about Larry's encyclosphere here: https://larrysanger.org/2023/07/the-encyclosphere-is-greater-than-wikipedia/ Foll
Thomas Drake: The Edward Snowden revelations broke when I was serving as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. I experienced firsthand the reality that secrecy in the service of national security is sometimes necessary in our nation’s surveillance programs. Unfortunately, I also saw that claims of secrecy can be used by our intelligence agencies to spy on Americans without warrants and in violation of the Constitution.
"the government argues that upstream surveillance is too secret for Wikimedia’s case to go forward, invoking the “state secrets privilege” and claiming that any use of sensitive evidence to defend the case could hurt national security. In a split decision, a federal appeals court threw out the case citing state secrets."
På metadataområdet sker en kraftig utveckling som en naturlig följd av samhällets och mediernas digitalisering. Med äldre beskrivningsmetoder förmår vi inte hantera det ökade medieinflödet, och inte heller möta dagens mer komplexa användarbehov. Man kan beskriva det som ett paradigmskifte, ett "metadataskifte", en förflyttning där vi i allt högre grad återanvänder metadata från producenter av insamlat material, samt utvecklar nya automatiserade metadataflöden med hjälp av till exempel artificiell intelligens (AI). Skiftet handlar också om att öppna upp bibliotekskatalogen, att göra bibliotekens data mer tillgängliga för omvärlden och därmed öka möjligheterna till samarbete mellan kunskaps- och kulturinstitutioner, med förlag och andra aktörer som t.ex. Wikimedia.
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons [1996] ICJ 2 is a landmark international law case, where the International Court of Justice gave an advisory opinion stating that there is no source of law, customary or treaty, that explicitly prohibits the possession or even use of nuclear weapons. The only requirement being that their use must be in conformity with the law on self-defence and principles of international humanitarian law.[1]
Thanks to the laborious stewardship of the blessed Internet Archive and the unyielding armies of Wikipedia’s citizen scholars, we may, within our lifetimes, reach a consensus on basic historical information.
Director of Israel’s National Library Oren Weinberg said that because of the internet, scientific information has to compete with digital inaccuracies, and it is the responsibility of librarians to make Wikipedia as reliable as possible.
“The fact that hundreds of millions of surfers around the world rely on, study and use Wikipedia requires us — as those who have access to information and sources — to help make it a deep, serious and reliable source of knowledge,” he stated.
" In 2020, the Wikimedia Foundation is launching the fifth edition of One Librarian One Reference (#1Lib1Ref) which will be held from 15th of January to the 5th of February 2020!
This event invites librarians from all over the world to add a reference to the article of their choice on the online encyclopedia. Indeed, the Wikimedia Foundation estimates that if each librarian spent 15 minutes to add a source to an article with a " reference needed" banner, it would be possible to improve the reliability of 350,000 articles. "
The Wikipedia Library is an open research hub, a place for active Wikipedia editors to gain access to the vital reliable sources that they need to do their work and to be supported in using those resources to improve the encyclopedia. We aim to make access and use of sources free, easy, collaborative and efficient.
The Wikipedia Library is run by a team of Wikimedia Foundation staff and global volunteers. We operate on a community-organized satellite model: we administer the global project but work with local coordinators in local Wikipedia projects to help each community set up their own libraries.
Das offizielle Minecraft Wiki ist eine umfassende Quelle für Minecraft, einschließlich Gameplay, Blöcken, Crafting, Server einrichten, Events, Mods und Texturen.
These are some items which may indicate good or bad things about the diversity and/or friendliness to a diverse audience of a particular workplace or environment. Job seekers can use this as inspiration for creating a list of things to notice or ask about when considering an employer. People...
Why care about hiring women? Why hire women? Why would you want a diverse workplace? We live in a diverse world. Women make up slightly more than half the population. They make decisions about most consumer purchases. There's a good chance they are your customers. By having women on your team...
Our aim is to develop an open source standardized online platform, the Open Encyclopedia System, for building and maintaining online encyclopedias in the fields of humanities and social sciences that provide readers worldwide free and unrestricted online access to scientific content (Open Access).
Kivennapa oli pitäjä Kannaksella. Kivennapa sijaitsi vain 60 km:n päässä Pietarista Venäjän vastaisella rajalla. Se oli suurin Kannaksen rajakunnista, ja sillä oli myös pisin yhtenäinen raja Neuvostoliiton kanssa, 54 km. Kivennavan naapureina olivat etelässä Terijoki ja Uusikirkko, lännessä Kanneljärvi, pohjoisessa Muolaa ja Valkjärvi sekä koillisessa Rautu
RDK Labor ist eine Online-Plattform zur kunsthistorischen Objektforschung. Voraus gingen die zehn gedruckten Bände des Reallexikons zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte (RDK), deren Inhalte in RDK Labor eingegangen sind. Neben den bereits erschienenen werden hier ständig neue Artikel aus den Bereichen Architektur, Bildende Künste, Kunsthandwerk und Ikonographie, ferner zu Materialien und Techniken veröffentlicht.
RDK Labor ist ein laufendes Projekt der Forschungsstelle Realienkunde am Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in München in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Informationswissenschaft der TH Köln.
Der Schwerpunkt der Darstellung in den Artikeln liegt auf europäischen Beispielen in der Zeit vom frühen Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Es gibt keine Artikel zu Personen oder Orten.
S. Braun, und A. Schmidt. 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management (IKNOW '07), Special Track on Integrating Working and Learning in Business (IWL), (2007)