FullText.exe is freely available for academic usage. The program generates a word-occurrence matrix, a co-occurrence matrix, and a normalized co-occurrence matrix from a set of text files and a word list.
eTBLAST is a unique search engine for searching biomedical literature. Our service is very different from PubMed. While PubMed searches for "keywords", our search engine lets you input an entire paragraph and returns MEDLINE abstracts that are similar to
provides a common platform for discussing extensions of the MediaWiki software that allow for simple, machine-based processing of Wiki content. This usually requires some form of "semantic annotation," a single solution for semantic annotation that fits t
Powerful Search Engine designed for Document Management, Competitive Intelligence, Press Analysis and Text Mining, Web Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Strategic Watch...Has Report Writer, Web Spider, Publisher, more...
"Swoogle is a search engine for the Semantic Web on the Web. Swoogle crawl the World Wide Web for a special class of web documents called Semantic Web documents, which are written in RDF."
Information is stuck inside HTML pages, formatted in esoteric ways, difficult for machines to process. "Web 3.0", precursor to a refined semantic web, will change this. ‘Web 3.0′ will transform web sites into web services. Unstructured information bec
Discussion of flaws and potential solutions to using social bookmarking sites (from del.icio.us to digg) as folks monetize, abuse, trick, and tweak them: no uniform tagging conventions, flat tag structures (non-relational), overly-generalized tags (catego
With this Web page, we are opening some aspects of hakia R&D to the view of our users. We undertook highly specific research tasks solely dedicated to the advancement of the core-competency in Web search. The main challenge is to make science work in a co
Taxonomy of Markup · I use a taxonomy of markup which I'm pretty sure was first advanced in the seminal November 1987 CACM article Markup systems and the future of scholarly text processing, by Coombs, Renear, and DeRose, which was the first place I ever
A. Ankolekar, M. Krötzsch, T. Tran, and D. Vrandecic. WWW '07: Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, page 825--834. New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, (2007)