"Partnership for Advanced Data in Europe (PARADE) is a consortium targeting to build efficient services addressing data management needs of multiple research communities. PARADE consists of several user communities and national partners, who work together to improve European collaboration in data infrastructures. The work aims at linking with various European initiatives addressing data with an intention to work together to build a pan-European collaboration."
"The 3TU.Datacentre has been in existence since 2008, a joint initiative by the three Dutch technical universities (Eindhoven, Twente and Delft) to make the data sets that originate from their research available to other scientists. This March, TU Delft Library signed a European covenant on behalf of the 3TU.Datacentre to improve access to research data on internet at the European level."
"Sharing data is good. But sharing your own data? That can get complicated. As two research communities who held meetings in May on the issue report their proposals to promote data sharing in biology, a special issue of Nature examines the cultural and technical hurdles that can get in the way of good intentions." (www.nature.com)
"Data created from research are valuable resources that can be used and re-used for future scientific and educational purposes. Sharing data facilitates research often beyond the scope of the original research, encourages scientific inquiry, avoids duplicate data collection and provides resources for education and training. UKDA has years of expertise in implementing and training in best practices in data management and methods of data sharing." (www.data-archive.ac.uk)