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    Ur/Web is a DSL for programming web applications backed by SQL db. It is statically-typed and purely functional. Ur is the base language, and the web-specific features of Ur/Web (mostly) come only in the form of special rules for parsing and optimization. The Ur core looks a lot like Standard ML, with a few Haskell-isms added, and kinder, gentler versions added of many features from dependently-typed languages like the logic behind Coq. The type system is much more expressive than in ML and Haskell, such that well-typed web applications cannot "go wrong," not just in handling single HTTP requests, but across their entire lifetimes of interacting with HTTP clients. Beyond that, Ur is unusual is using ideas from dependent typing to enable very effective metaprogramming, or programming with explicit analysis of type structure. Many common web application components can be built by Ur/Web functions that operate on types
    vor 13 Jahren von @draganigajic
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