Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have opened new educational possibilities for learners around the world. Numerous providers have emerged, which usually have different targets (geographical, topics or language), but most of the research and spotlight has been concentrated on the global providers and studies with limited generalizability.
As Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) generate a huge amount of learning activity data through its thousands of users, great potential is provided to use this data to understand and optimize the learning experience and outcome.
Today, Web Analytics (WA) is commonly used to obtain key information about users and their behavior on websites. Besides, with the rise of online learning, Learning Analytics (LA) emerged as a separate research field for collecting and analyzing learners' interactions on online learning platforms.
PhD Thesis Defense at Graz University of Technology by Mohammad Khalil. Supervisor: Martin Ebner Examiner: Denis Helic & Carlos Delagado Cloos Date: 08th. May. 2017