Founded in 1989, the CEI is a regional intergovernmental forum committed to supporting European integration through cooperation among its Member States. It combines multilateral diplomacy and project management, both as donor and recipient, while bridging European macro-regions.
Die Eurokrise plagt den Kontinent seit Jahren, doch wie geht es den Europäern tatsächlich? In einem einmaligen Datenjournalismus-Projekt zeigt die offiziellen Statistiken, wie sie noch nie zu sehen waren: die ärmsten und reichsten Länder, die Verteilung von Bildung, Gesundheit und anderen Schlüsselfaktoren der Entwicklung - auf einem Atlas, der die Lebenswirklichkeit in der EU abbildet.
The European Social Survey (the ESS) is an academically-driven social survey designed to chart and explain the interaction between Europe's changing institutions and the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of its diverse populations. The ESS was established in 2001, and was led by its founder and coordinator Roger Jowell until his death in December 2011. is a bilingual (german & english) online video platform, with a growing collection of informative interviews, live-events, debates and discussions in the fields of culture, politics, economics and science.
The European Cultural Foundation initiates and supports cultural exchange and creative expression across wider Europe. They do this because culture inspires, empowers and engages people to create democratic societies.