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    Features * (Jointly) visualize o syntactic dependency graphs o semantic dependency graphs (a la CoNLL 2008) o Chunks (such as syntactic chunks, NER chunks, SRL chunks etc.) * Compare gold standard trees to your generated trees (e.g. highlight false positive and negative dependency edges) * Filter trees and visualize only what's necessary, for example o only dependency edges with certain labels o only the edges between certain tokens * Search corpora for sentences with certain attributes using powerful search expressions, for example o search for all sentences that contain the word "vantage" and the pos tag sequence DT NN o search for all sentences that contain false positive edges and the word "vantage" * Reads o CoNLL 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2008 format o Lisp S-Expressions o Malt-Tab format o markov thebeast format * Export to EPS Check this screenshot to get a better idea.
    16 years ago by @gresch
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