JaMoPP is a set of Eclipse plug-ins that can be used to parse Java source code into EMF-based models and vice versa. JaMoPP consists of:
a complete Java5 Ecore Metamodel,
a complete Java5 EMFText Syntax, and
an implementation of Java5's static semantics analysis.
Through JaMoPP, every Java program can be processed as any other EMF model. JaMoPP therefore bridges the gap between modelling and Java programming. It enables the application of arbitrary EMF-based tools on full Java programs. Since JaMoPP is developed through metamodelling and code generation, extending Java and embedding Java into other modelling languages, using standard metamodeling techniques and tools, is now possible. To ensure the quality of JaMoPP, it has been successfully tested on a large code base.
What is fastjson
Fastjson is a JSON processor (JSON parser + JSON generator) written in Java:
FAST (measured to be faster than any other Java parser and databinder, incudes jackson. )
Powerful (full data binding for common JDK classes as well as any Java Bean class, Collection, Map, Date or enum)
Zero-dependency (doest not rely on other packages beyond JDK)
Open Source (Apache License 2.0)
Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries. You can find the latest release on the download page. See the Getting Started guide for instructions on how to start using Tika.
* (Jointly) visualize
o syntactic dependency graphs
o semantic dependency graphs (a la CoNLL 2008)
o Chunks (such as syntactic chunks, NER chunks, SRL chunks etc.)
* Compare gold standard trees to your generated trees (e.g. highlight false positive and negative dependency edges)
* Filter trees and visualize only what's necessary, for example
o only dependency edges with certain labels
o only the edges between certain tokens
* Search corpora for sentences with certain attributes using powerful search expressions, for example
o search for all sentences that contain the word "vantage" and the pos tag sequence DT NN
o search for all sentences that contain false positive edges and the word "vantage"
* Reads
o CoNLL 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2008 format
o Lisp S-Expressions
o Malt-Tab format
o markov thebeast format
* Export to EPS
Check this screenshot to get a better idea.