New Dutch cloud service Silk, which is launching today, wants to fulfill the promise of the Semantic Web and make your documents, web pages and files more powerful -- and with a few fixes, it could get there.
bigdata(R) is a scale-out storage and computing fabric supporting optional transactions, very high concurrency, and very high aggregate IO rates.
Features statement-level provenance, free-text search, and incremental load and retraction, inference etc.
FOX is a framework that integrates the Linked Data Cloud and makes uses of the diversity of NLP algorithms to extract RDF triples of high accuracy out of NL. In its current version, it integrates and merges the results of Named Entity Recognition, Keyword Extraction and Relation Extraction tools.
Tupelo is a data and metadata management system based on semantic web technologies. Tupelo provides a variety of generic utilities for managing data and metadata using both best-of-breed semantic database implementations such as Jena and Sesame, as well as ordinary storage technologies such as flat files. Tupelo makes data and metadata portable across a variety of Contexts and deployment scenarios, including desktop applications, web-based applications, and more complex distributed architectures. Its use of global identification and explicit semantics means that metadata created and managed with Tupelo can be easily exported and used by a wide variety of RDF-aware tools and technologies.
4sr is an extension of 4store where we are implementing backward chained reasoning. Currently a subset of RDFS is supported. This set includes: rdfs:subClassOf, rdfs:subPropertyOf, rdfs:domain and rdfs:range.
The workshop aims to discuss key issues and practices of semantic mining. Thanks to the initiatives of the Linked Open Data and robust techniques for semantic annotation of Web, social, and sensor data, more semantic data is available. Many research efforts have been directed toward demonstrating semantic techniques to analyze and mine this growing resource. The workshop will provide a cross-disciplinary forum for researchers to showcase their innovation and efforts, and to further enhance existing bounds and create new connections among different communities. Here we solicit contributions on researches and practices of mining data semantics including theory, algorithms, and applications from computer science, life science, healthcare and other domains.
The BBC Music Beta project is an ongoing effort by the BBC to build semantically linked and annotated web pages about artists and singers whose songs are played ...
"The BBC has long been an advocate of Linked Data, an approach to using the Web to connect related data, or as Wikipedia puts it "a term used to describe a recommended best practice for exposing, sharing, and connecting pieces of data, information, and knowledge on the Semantic Web using URIs and RDF.""
The DL-Learner software learns concepts in Description Logics (DLs) from examples. It extends Inductive Logic Programming to Descriptions Logics and the Semantic Web.
C. Rieß, N. Heino, S. Tramp, and S. Auer. Proceedings of the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2010), Berlin / Heidelberg, Springer, (2010)
P. Teufl, and G. Lackner. 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies 1–3 September 2010, Messe Congress Graz, Austria, page 18 - 18. (2010)
G. Grimnes, P. Edwards, and A. Preece. Proceedings of the 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2008), volume 5021 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 303-317. Springer, (2008)