I often end up running a big SPARQL query (usually on a server), exporting the results a TSV, and post processing the results with some combination of vi, perl, awk, sort etc., then loading the processed data into a copy of Excel to get stats out of it, or produce a chart or whatever.
The other day I was wondering if you could pull results directly from a SPARQL endpoint into Excel. Well, it turns out that you can, via something called an Internet Query File.
DB2 Graph Store is an optimized way to store graph triples inside DB2 database. Support for the SPARQL query language
Support for popular RDF Java APIs like JENA
Support for HTTP SPARQL end-point via JOSEKI
B. Elliott, E. Cheng, C. Thomas-Ogbuji, и Z. Ozsoyoglu. Proceedings of the 2009 International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, стр. 31--42. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2009)