Stephen Downes zu Unterrichtsformen. Modell: Professoren (=aktive Forscher) beurteilen die Fortschritte der Studenten, die selbständig lernen ("lesen"). Lectures zur Publikation neuer Erkenntnisse. Kurse werden von den Studenten organisiert.
"The corporation’s journalism college website aims to create a massive training resource, and there are plans to make much of the material available to the wider public by the end of the year."
"By the end of this year, the contents of all 1,800 courses taught at one of the world's most prestigious universities will be available online to anyone in the world... Learners won't have to register for the classes, and everyone is accepted."
"The article argues that it is necessary to move e-learning beyond learning management systems and engage students in an active use of the web as a resource for their self-governed, problem-based and collaborative activities."
"Traumwerk, like the other collaboratories at Metamedia (Stanford), is a wiki - a web-based authoring environment that enables the collaborative, fast and easy building of hypertext and hypermedia - linked pages of text, images, indeed any kind of digital