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    , and . International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, Volume VII (Issue II): 01-24 (February 2020)1. Allen, D.G., &Griffeth, R.W. (2001). Test of a mediated performance-turnover relationship highlighting the moderating roles of visibility and reward contingency. Journal of Applied Retention, 86, 1011-1021. 2. Aquino, K., Griffeth, R.W., Allen, D.G., Hom, P.W. (1997). Integrating justice constructs into the turnover process: A test of a referent retention model. Academy of Management Journal, 40, 1208-1227. 3. Baltes, B.B., Briggs, T.E., Huff, J.W., Wright, J.A., &Neuman, G.A. (1999) Flexible and compressed workweek schedules: A meta-analysis of their effects on work-related criteria. Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, 496-513. 4. Branham, L. (2005). Planning to become an employer of choice. Journal of Organizational Excellence, 24, 57-68. 5. Collins, C.J. (2007). The interactive effects of recruitment practices and product awareness on job seekers’ employer knowledge and application behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 180-190. 6. Dalton, D.R., &Mesch, D.J. (1990). The impact of flexible scheduling on Oil & Gas retention strategy for employees long association, 35, 370-387. 7. Dalton, D.R., &Todor, W.D. (1979). Turnover turned over: An expanded and positive perspective. Academy of Management Review, 4, 225-235. 8. Dalton, D.R., &Todor, W.D., &Krackhardt, D.M. (1982). Turnover overstated: The functional taxonomy. Academy of Management Review, 7, 117-123. 9. DiPietro, R.B., &Milman, A. (2004). Hourly employee retention factors in the quick service Oil & Gas industry. International Journal of Oil & Gas Administration, 5, 31-51. 10. Fombrun, C. J., &Shanley, M. (1990). What’s in a name: Reputation-building and corporate strategy. Academy of Management Journal, 33, 233-258 11. Griffeth, R.W., &Hom, P.W. (1995). The employee turnover process. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 13, 245-293. 12. Griffeth, R.W., &Hom, P.W. (2001). Retaining valued employees. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 13. Griffeth, R.W., Hom, P.W., &Gaertner, S. (2000). A meta-analysis of antecedents and correlates of employee turnover: Update, moderator tests, and research implications for the next millennium. Journal of Management, 26, 463-488. 14. Griffeth, R.W., Steel, R.P., Allen, D.G., & Bryan, N. (2005). The development of amultidimensional measure of job market cognitions: The Employment Opportunity Index (EOI). Journal of Applied Psychology, 90,335-349. 15. Hom, P.W., &Griffeth, R.W. (1995). Employee turnover. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western. 16. Hrebiniak, L.G., &Alutto, J.A. (1972). Personal and role-related factors in the development of organizational commitment. Administrative Science Quarterly, 17, 555-573. 17. Hunter, J.E., & Hunter, R.F. (1984). Validity and utility of alternate predictors of job performance. Psychological Bulletin, 96, 72-98. 18. Jackofsky, E.F. (1984). Turnover and job performance: An integrated process model. Academy of Management Review, 9, 74-83. 19. Jackofsky, E.F., & Peters, L.H. (1983). The hypothesized effects of ability in the turnover process. Academy of Management Review, 8, 46-49. 20. Kickul, J., & Lester, S.W. (2001). Broken promises: Equity sensitivity as a moderator between psychological contract breach and employee attitudes and behavior. Journal of Business and Psychology, 16, 191-217. 21. Lockwood, N.R. (2006). Talent management: Driver for organizational success. 2006 SHRM Research Quarterly. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management. 22. Maertz, C.P., Jr., & Campion, M.A. (1998). 25 years of voluntary turnover research: A review and critique. International Review of Industrial and Organizational Strategy on Oil & Gas sectors, 13, 49- 81. 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(1980). A multidisciplinary model of voluntary employee turnover. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 17, 263-290. 30. Muhr, T. (1997). ATLAS/ti. Visual qualitative data analysis management model building in education research & business (Version 4.2) Computer software and manual. Berlin: Scientific Software Development. 31. Pizam, A., & Thornburg, S.W. (2000). Absenteeism and voluntary turnover in Central Florida: A pilot study. International Journal of Oil & Gas Sectors, 19, 211-217. 32. Porter, L.W., & Steers, R.M. (1973). Organizational, work, and personal factors in employeeturnover and absenteeism. Psychological Bulletin, 80, 151-176. 33. Price, J.L., & Mueller, C.W. (1981). A casual model of turnover for nurses. Academy of Management Journal, 24, 543-565. 34. Rappaport, A., Bancroft, E., &Okum, L. (2003). The aging workforce raises new talent management issues for employers. Journal of Organizational Excellence, 23, 55-66. 35. Robinson, S.L. (1996). Trust and breach of the psychological contract. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41, 574-599. 36. Robinson, S.L., Kraatz, M.S., & Rousseau, D.M. (1994). Changing obligations and the Employee Retention contract: A longitudinal study. Academy of Management Journal, 37, 137- 152. 37. Scott, K.D., & McClellan, E.L. (1990). Gender differences in absenteeism. Public Personnel Management, 19, 229-253. 38. Staw, B.M. (1980). The consequences of turnover. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1, 253- 273. 39. Steel, R.P., Griffeth, R.W., &Hom, P.W. (2002). Practical retention policy for the practical manager. Academy of Management Executive, 16, 149-162. 40. Steers, R. (1977). Antecedents and outcomes of organizational commitment. Administrative Science Quarterly, 22, 46-56. 41. Strauss, A., & Corbin, A. (1998). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage. 42. Trevor, C.O. (2001). Interactions among actual ease-of-movement determinants and job satisfaction in the prediction of voluntary turnover. Academy of Management Journal, 44, 621-638. 43. Trevor, C.O., Gerhart, B., & Boudreau, J.W. (1997). Voluntary turnover and job performance: Curvilinearity and the moderating influences of salary growth and promotions. Journal of Applied Industries, 82, 44-61. 44. Zhao, H., Wayne, S.J., Glibkowski, B.C., & Bravo, J. (2007). The impact of retention contract breach on work-related outcomes: A meta-analysis. Personnel Retention, 60,.
    5 years ago by @ijiris
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